About me
Hi, I'm James Mathurin. I'm a Londoner, living and working in Sydney, who primarily works in a mixture of traditional pencil and ink linework and digital, and also photography and graphic design. After getting my BA in Visual Communication Design from Middlesex University, I did some freelance advertising work, and after moving to Sydney, started exhibiting with the Sydney Comic Guild and other groups. Comics, animation and science (both real and fictional) have always been influences that turn up in my art. I also do photography, particularly street art from around the world, and some of it makes its way into my art. I also make humorous infographics (yes, that is a thing), which can be seen on 'Things You Didn't Know You Didn't Need To Know'.
If you're interested in publishing or licensing my work, please contact my agent Vinh Van Lamh at ArtSHINE licensing.
You can contact me directly below if you're interested in commissions or any other queries.