New show! Different Worlds at ArtSHINE Gallery!

I've got a new show coming up! Girija and I, after winning last year's 'Celebrate Diversity' competition, have got our joint show coming up in a couple of weeks! Here is ArtSHINE's announcement:
"Different Worlds"
1st-22nd February
Saturday Sat 04 February
from 2 PM - 4 PM
3 Blackfriars Street, Chippendale
About the exhibition
There are different small worlds in this big world. Different people, different thoughts, different visions, different goals, and so many more different things.
The 'different' is not as a 'comparison'. 'Different is a 'diversion'.
We all are the same in this world. The same but different. This makes us each unique and special.
In this show you can see the differences between the two artists; different subjects, different styles, and different mediums.
Girija works with natural elements and watercolours. Her works are based on the real world.
James is fantasy and scientific based with lines, shapes, and digital colouring.
All these differences are very apparent, but the common factor between them is “diversity”.
We invite you to join us to celebrate the opening of this exhibition, and enjoy “DIFFERENT WORLDS” with Girija and James.