I won! Celebrate Diversity - Opening Night & People's Choice!
So, I get to celebrate! Last night, I was declared joint first choice for ArtSHINE's Celebrating Diversity. I am incredibly happy about it, and want to do the cliche thing of thanking my wife and everyone who's supported me, blah, blah. I am really happy to share the prize with Girija kulkarni, and am also looking forward to sharing the prize with her - we'll be putting on a joint show at ArtSHINE later in the year. I'll keep the details updated here.
Here I am with (l to r) Girija, Kristine Ballard (one of the judges) and Vinh Van Lam, who runs ArtSHINE with his partner Stuart Horrex, who was the other judge.
Oh, also, I should explain this;
My cousin made this for me to celebrate my win. I guess he likes my beard?
I’d be remiss if I didn’t share it, and hey, while you’re laughing at it, don’t forget you can vote for me for the People's Choice award! I’m option 8, and it would make both me and my cousin very happy.
Also, it’s my birthday, so do it as a present!